Fallout 76 outfits
Fallout 76 outfits

fallout 76 outfits

Outfits are mostly cosmetic pieces that have very little bearing on your overall stats, but there are some that grant extra protection or effects. You can of course forego the first or third layers should you so wish, but armour should always be worn when going out on an adventure. The second layer is where your armour goes, while the third layer consists of special clothes that you wear over the top. It also includes hats, glasses or goggles, and anything that covers the mouth. The base layer is basic clothing like the Fallout 76 jumpsuit. Your character can wear three layers of clothing. Watch on YouTube How outfits work in Fallout 76 There is quite a bit to cover in this armour guide, so we'll go over exactly how each of the different apparel works. Those looking for a beginner's guide to get started with Fallout 76 should have a look at our Fallout 76 guide. This Fallout 76 armor guide will go over the best armour you can find in the game, details about which outfits have some useful perks, and which armour pieces you should be crafting. Fallout 76 armor guideĮquipment works slightly differently in Fallout 76 compared to other Fallout games, as the mostly cosmetic outfits are equipped over the top of armour, which increases your defences and resistances. It's worth grabbing a ton of scrap to repair armour. Luckily there are also plenty of unattended items lying around that are yours for the taking. With irradiated creatures and other players trying to kill you around every corner, you'll want some protection from damage. Armor in Fallout 76 can be made and repaired using scrap.

Fallout 76 outfits